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[ Projets ]

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Projets terminés :

3MING, @irs++, ABCD, ABOUT, ADANETS, Amarrage, AMBIENCE, ARCADE, Authone, CARP, Connected Cities, FERRARI, FP7 4WARD, FP7 AUTOI, GINTAO, GITAN, Goldfish (FP7), Horizon, I3, Intermip, IP-SIG, LISP-Lab, Localisation géographique, MACSI, MMQoS, MobileCloud (FP7), NetHomEra, Nomadisme, Nu@ge, OGRE, OnDemand, QOSMOB, RADIC-SF, Ravir, Reflexion, Routeur intelligent, SAFARI, SDN@EDGES, SECCONT, SecFuNet (FP7), SGS, SHARDANA, SOFNETS, SPINNAKER, SUMO, SUN, T2TIT, U2M3 and WINDS


ICT Labs

SOFNETS: Software Defined Networks and Service

Innovation objective:
The design and validation of advanced SDN functionalities, relying on the MPTCP and LISP protocols and SDN controllers into novel Cloud networking nodes, to boost Cloud access and inter-cloud communications and performance.

Expected outcome:
The expected outcome is the achievement of Gbps-class Cloud connections, knowing that current rates are around 10/100 Mbps. In practice, for the users, the resulting dramatic reduction of access latency will allow, e.g., to download a file 10+ times faster than with legacy technology, even with mobile devices; for the network operator, the techno-economic efficiency of the Cloud fabric can be largely improved. Virtuor (UPMC's startup) aims at implementing the technology into novel SDN products

Durée: : -- 01/01/2014 ~ 31/12/2014


Partenaires : TelecomParisTech, FRANCE TELECOM, Politecnico di Milano, SICS and Helsinki University
Membre faisant partie du projet : Braham Othmen, Secci Stefano, Coudron Matthieu and Benchaib Yacine
Publications liées : 2015   2014  

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